Being unverified, and couldn’t receive any Papara cards!

Hello guys, Is it normal for a Papara card to take more than three months,Even though I live in a big city (ANKARA) ??
So the story is my account was verified and everything was going smoothly(I was making all kind of transactions), until my card got stuck in the ATM (one year ago), after a while I discovered that my account shows as unverified, I made the process of verification, then I must make a new application for a Papara card, since that moment I made several attempts and it ends up failing to deliver.
I moved last three months to a new apartment, and made at least three applications for new cards, None of them has come to my address, and when contact the email they we will check it and suddenly ask me to make a new application for new card.
My apologies for the long post , and I need to know if any of you has been through the process?

1 Beğeni

Hello @abdulbarileftesi00 :wave:t2:

We have created a request regarding the issue you raised. Our support teams will address the details as soon as possible and will inform you through the email address registered to your Papara account. Please don’t forget to check your inbox frequently.

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