Hesap onaylama dır

Annemin bilgilerini giriyorum ama olmuyor

Merhaba @yigithanerduran85 :wave:t2:

Talebin ile ilgili destek ekibimizin hesabına kayıtlı e-posta adresin üzerinden geri dönüş yaptığını gördük. E-posta adresini kontrol etmeni rica ederiz :blush:

It’s been more than 10 days and my account is not verified
When will it be verified?

Hello @anasabohmza :wave:t2:

We have created your request regarding the issue you have submitted. Our support teams will deal with the details as soon as possible and we will inform you via the e-mail address registered to your Papara account. Please do not forget to check your e-mail box frequently.